Articles and booklets can be downloaded as pdf files.
Sleep and Educating Your Child Looking for a looming health issue of the 21st century? Today's youngsters are getting nine hours less sleep per week than their parents did. That's a whole night's sleep or more missed every week and this is having increasing effects on learning and the functioning of schools. (Booklet)
Sleep - Fact Sheet for Adolescents. An hour of sleep loss each night lowers your cognitive age by two years and increases your chance of becoming obese by 80%.
Is your classroom brain compatible or brain antagonistic? Compare classrooms here and click here for a brain compatible classroom checklist.
Exercise and Educating Your Child Exercise is a Brain Compatible Education strategy. In fact regular exercise is a no brainer. The brain uses 20-30% of the oxygen taken into your body anyway, but increasing the blood flow increases the food and oxygen supply to the brain.
Water and Educating Your Child. If our brains are about 80% water there must be a very good reason..9 page booklet
Why we fatheads need to watch our diet...When I was at school one of my teachers always called us "fatheads" as he rapped a large bunch of keys against our skulls. I wonder if he knew how right he was..7 page booklet.
Junk Diets mean Junk Brains You could be heading towards insulin resistance, diabetes or an early grave.
SEWBaD - Five Rules for Preparing the Brain for Learning The rules of biochemistry are clear - we are what we eat. What is really remarkable is that our bodies and brains can accept enormous variations in their input and still function adequately - 10 page booklet.
"I'm a moody teenager. Why does everyone blame my hormones?" Lots of kids ask questions like this.... There are four main hormones you should know about that put you into your moods. Check them out in this handy 7 Page booklet
Attention Teenagers - Something is happening to Your Brain You are 'adolescent'. A big word with heavy meaning for most of us who're over it and perhaps 'the best of years/the worst of years' for you.
Are you a Breakfast Winner or a Breakfast Loser? Evidence for the importance of breakfast is overwhelming. Here's a list of things everyone should know about eating breakfasts and learning.
25 Brain Compatible Strategies for Parents and Teachers Significant adults are important in the lives of children. Here are 25 simple strategies that adults can use to help children develop their brains.
The Tyranny of the Mother Tongue and Learning a Second Language. Why it is so hard to learn a second language is of interest to teachers and parents because for a short critical period of our lives it is not hard at all.
An Indigenous Education Retention Strategy - teaching kids and their parents the neuroscience of the how and why of school.This pdf paper introduces a new and original three pronged program based on sound modern neuroscience for schools working to increase retention among Indigenous students.
Brain Compatible Education in Practice - the science and maths of La Ola. Brain Compatible Education is about teachers and learners approaching the learning in ways that make the experience more memorable. Studying Mexican waves allows the learner to use higher level thinking skills ...
Brain Compatible Education in Practice - teaching about our planet using GoogleEarth Atlas work, mapping, latitude and longitude, coordinate planes are common enough subjects in middle school usually taught with reams of photocopies, school atlases, and the drudgery of paperwork. Brain compatible learning, however, can be more fun than that..
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalianism as a Brain Exercise Hippoptomonstrosesquipedalian is a wonderful word. Its definition is shorter than it is. It simply means ....
Sleep - Fact Sheet for Adolescents. An hour of sleep loss each night lowers your cognitive age by two years and increases your chance of becoming obese by 80%.
Is your classroom brain compatible or brain antagonistic? Compare classrooms here and click here for a brain compatible classroom checklist.
Exercise and Educating Your Child Exercise is a Brain Compatible Education strategy. In fact regular exercise is a no brainer. The brain uses 20-30% of the oxygen taken into your body anyway, but increasing the blood flow increases the food and oxygen supply to the brain.
Water and Educating Your Child. If our brains are about 80% water there must be a very good reason..9 page booklet
Why we fatheads need to watch our diet...When I was at school one of my teachers always called us "fatheads" as he rapped a large bunch of keys against our skulls. I wonder if he knew how right he was..7 page booklet.
Junk Diets mean Junk Brains You could be heading towards insulin resistance, diabetes or an early grave.
SEWBaD - Five Rules for Preparing the Brain for Learning The rules of biochemistry are clear - we are what we eat. What is really remarkable is that our bodies and brains can accept enormous variations in their input and still function adequately - 10 page booklet.
"I'm a moody teenager. Why does everyone blame my hormones?" Lots of kids ask questions like this.... There are four main hormones you should know about that put you into your moods. Check them out in this handy 7 Page booklet
Attention Teenagers - Something is happening to Your Brain You are 'adolescent'. A big word with heavy meaning for most of us who're over it and perhaps 'the best of years/the worst of years' for you.
Are you a Breakfast Winner or a Breakfast Loser? Evidence for the importance of breakfast is overwhelming. Here's a list of things everyone should know about eating breakfasts and learning.
25 Brain Compatible Strategies for Parents and Teachers Significant adults are important in the lives of children. Here are 25 simple strategies that adults can use to help children develop their brains.
The Tyranny of the Mother Tongue and Learning a Second Language. Why it is so hard to learn a second language is of interest to teachers and parents because for a short critical period of our lives it is not hard at all.
An Indigenous Education Retention Strategy - teaching kids and their parents the neuroscience of the how and why of school.This pdf paper introduces a new and original three pronged program based on sound modern neuroscience for schools working to increase retention among Indigenous students.
Brain Compatible Education in Practice - the science and maths of La Ola. Brain Compatible Education is about teachers and learners approaching the learning in ways that make the experience more memorable. Studying Mexican waves allows the learner to use higher level thinking skills ...
Brain Compatible Education in Practice - teaching about our planet using GoogleEarth Atlas work, mapping, latitude and longitude, coordinate planes are common enough subjects in middle school usually taught with reams of photocopies, school atlases, and the drudgery of paperwork. Brain compatible learning, however, can be more fun than that..
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalianism as a Brain Exercise Hippoptomonstrosesquipedalian is a wonderful word. Its definition is shorter than it is. It simply means ....